About Me

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United Kingdom
I am a lecturer in English for Academic Purposes at the University of Wolverhampton, UK. I have taught French and Spanish at FE and HE level and worked as a Business Trainer and Teacher Trainer in various countries. I am interested in using technology for teaching.

Monday, May 24, 2021

Teaching English witout Teaching English

Pre-listening research questions:

Why is it necessary to try to teach English in a non-traditional way?

How does the speaker teach English without explicitly teaching it?



  • The speaker, Guzman, outlines how he encourages his students to adopt critical thinking skills in filtering out which information is valuable. 
  • He points out typical signs that tell us when a person lacks authority. or doesn't know what they are talking about. These include obfuscation, never answering a direct question or providing detail or clarification and 'ad hominem', which means resorting to personal attacks which may not be related to the argument.

Further research questions:

Does this style of learning suit all learners? 

How can it be exported to different contexts?

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